STEM Focus

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. There are many reasons that we choose STEM as a focus for our school. The world is changing faster than it ever has due to discovery of new science technology and its applications. We are preparing students for a future where innovation, communication, collaboration, global competency, critical thinking, and problem solving will be essential.

Because technology and science change so quickly, we are actually preparing students for jobs that don’t exist yet, and for identifying and solving problems we don’t yet know about. To be globally competitive, we need the next generation prepared to step into STEM careers. STEM will expose students to engineering process, design thinking, and problem solving while using the most current technology available with the outcome of shaping students to be innovative problem solvers who can analyze and design.

A STEM focus will allow students to:

  • Use the most current technology to learn, design, and present their ideas
  • Interact with professional scientists and engineering graduate students from CU and other local businesses
  • Learn the design process: empathy, define, ideation, prototyping, testing/feedback
  • Sharpening their academic skills in all areas
  • Become engaged in the possibilities of college and a STEM career
  • Visit science research facilities and tech design facilities
  • Visit local colleges
  • Be successful in the STEM program at Skyline High School or other high school programs that offer advanced classes
Trail Ridge Middle School