Upcoming Events
- Monday 9/16 Volleyball Home Game vs Lyons, 3:30pm
- Coming Soon! 9/24-9/26 Parent Conferences
Parent Conferences
We are looking forward to our annual fall Parent/Teacher Conferences scheduled for September 24-26. We will be sending out a shoutpoint email to all families the morning of Monday, Sept 16 with a link to sign up for a conference spo
PTO Conference Meals
Conferences are coming up on September 24th – 26th. Please help support our Trail Ridge staff for all that they do! Click on this link to sign up to bring entrees, sides, snacks and drinks. All items should be delivered to the front office no later than 4:00 pm of the day that you sign-up for.
If bringing meals is not feasible, but you would like to contribute, the Trail Ridge PTO has set up a donation link. Your donations will be used to provide treats and meals to the TRMS hard working staff!
Donation Link:
Thank you for your support,
Trail Ridge Middle School PTO
Be sure to continue to use your King Soopers Loyalty Card that is linked to Trail Ridge Middle School PTO! King Soopers Community Rewards
Comidas de conferencia para el personal:
Las conferencias se realizarán del 24 al 26 de septiembre. ¡Por favor ayude a apoyar a nuestro personal de Trail Ridge en todo lo que hacen! Haga clic en este enlace para inscribirse para traer platos principales, acompañamientos, refrigerios y bebidas. Todos los artículos deben entregarse en la oficina principal a más tardar a las 4:00 p. m. del día en que se inscribe.
Si no es posible traer comidas, pero le gustaría contribuir, el PTO de Trail Ridge ha creado un enlace de donación. ¡Sus donaciones se utilizarán para proporcionar golosinas y comidas al trabajador personal de TRMS!
Enlace de donación:
Gracias por su apoyo,
PTO de la escuela secundaria Trail Ridge
Asegúrese de continuar usando su Tarjeta de fidelización King Soopers ¡Eso está vinculado al PTO de la escuela secundaria Trail Ridge! Recompensas de la comunidad de King Soopers
Gifted & Talented Referrals
Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic and/or talent areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress. In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.
Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.
The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
Erin Elsen
Link to the Referral form
Superintendent Town Hall Meetings
St. Vrain Valley Schools invites parents, teachers, staff, and community members to join Superintendent, Dr. Don Haddad, for one of our upcoming Superintendent Town Hall meetings. These annual open forums in each of our geographic areas provide an opportunity for Dr. Haddad and other district leaders to listen to our community’s questions and suggestions, share our many successes, and discuss our bold vision for the future.
Dates and Locations:
- Tuesday, 9/3, 5:30-7:30: Frederick High School
- Monday, 9/9, 5:30-7:00: Skyline High School
- Tuesday, 9/10, 5:30-7:00: Erie High School
- Thursday, 9/12, 5:30-7:00: Innovation Center
- Monday, 9/30, 5:30-7:00: Mead High School
Los servicios de interpretación al español estarán disponibles en cada evento
Trail Ridge Families,
As the new school year begins, we are looking to continue to grow our family and community partnership. Our Trail Ridge PTO is always looking for help and involvement. This can be attending PTO meetings, helping with parent/teacher conference meals, or any other way that families can help. If you are interested in helping with the PTO or becoming more involved in the school, contact Matt Coniglio (Assistant Principal) or Tammy Holliness (PTO President).
We can’t wait for the year to begin and looking forward to more fun with our Trail Ridge Grizzlies!
-Trail Ridge PTO
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2024 Superintendent’s Town Hall Meetings Featured
St. Vrain Valley Schools invites parents, teachers, staff, and community members to join Superintendent, Dr. Don Haddad, for one of our upcoming Superintendent Town Hall meetings. These annual open forums in each of our geographic areas provide an opportunity for Dr. Haddad and other district leaders to listen to our community’s questions and suggestions, share […]
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Parent University Session, February 20
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]
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Innovation Center Hosts Second Annual Accessibility Night
Empowering Students to Build a More Accessible Community St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) students are leading the charge for inclusivity and accessibility with the district’s second annual Accessibility Night, scheduled for February 21, 2025, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the Innovation Center (33 Quail Road, Longmont). The event is free and open to […]
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