TRMS Team The Shreks and Team Robozos
Upcoming Events
- Tues., 5/14/24, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, Library: PTO Meeting
- Thurs., 5/16/24, 3:00 – 4:30 pm, Gym: TRMS School Dance
- Thurs., 5/16/24, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Commons: Performing Arts NY Trip Meeting
- Mon, 5/20/24: TRMS Fund Run
- Wed., 5/22/24: Field Trip Day
- Thurs., 5/23/24: Last Day of School/8th Grade Continuation
Featured Stories
TRMS End of Year Activities
As we complete this year, we have some great activities for the students planned during the final week of school. Take a look at some of the things coming our way:
•On Monday, May 20th, we will be hosting our annual Fun(d) Run! Our course takes us around our school, near Stephen Day Park and down the path to Union Reservoir and back. This year, our PTO will be organizing this event as a fundraiser so watch for coming details.
•Tuesday, May 21st, The graduating Seniors from Skyline High School will be parading through TRMS as they visit each school in our feeder system. It is always outstanding to see the former Grizzlies accomplish big goals! We will finish the day with our Spirit Assembly: Karaoke Version.
•Wednesday, May 22nd is our Field Trip Day. Eighth Graders will be celebrating the end of their middle school years with a trip to Boondocks. Additionally, 7th graders will be walking to Union Reservoir and 6th graders will be heading to Sandstone Park.
•Thursday, May 23rd brings our 8th Grade Continuation Ceremony and traditional Clap Out Ceremony. The ceremony will begin at 10am and we invite all 8th grade parents & guardians to attend this event.
Health Office – Medication Pickup
This is a reminder that all medications must be picked up by Thursday, May 23rd or they will be destroyed. If you have any questions or concerned, please contact Janie Lux at [email protected].

Library Books Due
This Friday, May 10th is the last day to check out or renew a library book. If a student has a book that was due in April, please return it at this time. All books are due no later than May 17th.

Join us for the next PTO Meeting on Tuesday, May 14th at 4:00 pm in the library. We hope to see you here!
Also, we’re gearing up for the Grizzly Fund Run on May 20th! This will be the biggest fundraiser during the school year and will help support many important school necessities such as teacher and classroom supplies, enrichment programs and 8th grade field trip transportation costs. Please consider donating to help support our students!
All donations are due by May 16th. If anyone would like to donate in cash or check, please put in an envelope clearly labeled with the student’s first and last name, grade and advisory teacher. Turn in all cash and check donations to the front office.
The advisory class in each grade (6th, 7th, 8th and mixed) that raises the most money will get a pizza party! The top three earners in the school will receive an additional prize!
If you, or someone you know, would like to donate to the Grizzly Fund Run, click on the link and search your student’s first name and last initial. Make sure your student is in the correct advisory class.
https://app.99pledges.com/ fund/trms24
Thank you amazing Grizzly families for all your support!
-Trail Ridge PTO

Register for 2024-2025 Transportation Services
St. Vrain’s Transportation Department is dedicated to consistently delivering excellent service for our students and their families and we are currently preparing for the upcoming school year. If you are interested in having your child ride the bus for the 2024-2025 school year, please apply for transportation services as soon as possible. St. Vrain’s Transportation Department makes every effort to accommodate as many eligible riders as possible. Apply for transportation services online.
Visit Transportation Services online to learn more about eligibility requirements.

Drama Program 2024-2025
Next school year, Trail Ridge will be offering a Technical Theatre Advisory class to help push students into VPA programs and to encourage more ways to get involved in school events. We are also doing two shows next year: one Unified Theater show and our usual spring performance.
With all that in mind, if anyone acquires any of the following items that they would consider donating to support the Drama program over the summer, I would be most appreciative:
- Wood
- Tools (screwdrivers, hammers, boxcutters, staple guns, etc..)
- Electric Tools
- Foamboard or Styrofoam sheets
- Screws or Nails
- Hinges, Knobs, Casters, Shelving supports, or Metal Plates
- Paint (any kind of paint works but preferably house paint or acrylics)
- Paint Supplies (brushes, trays, rollers, etc…)
- Drop Cloths for painting
- Tape (duck tape, masking tape, electrical tape, or regular scotch tape)
- Superglue or other strong adhesives
- Gloves (garden or woodworking type gloves)
- Aprons
- Safety Glasses
- Large pieces of cardboard/boxes
- Hangers
- Any fabric/tablecloths/curtains that you are not using
- White/off white sheets (for painting backdrops)
- Any craft supplies (hot glue guns, hot glue, wood sticks/dowels, etc)
- Silk/Fake flowers or greenery
- Any clothing accessories (hats, belts, purses, glasses, etc…)
If you look at something and say, “I think Drama could use this…” don’t hesitate to contact me and ask. I’ll be around most of the summer.
Mrs. Lindsay Sullivan