Building Connections at Trail Ridge Middle School, One Minute at a Time

TRMS counselor working with student

At Trail Ridge Middle School, Counselor Sarah Nazari makes it her priority to ensure every student feels supported, connected, and seen. In her fourth year at the school, Nazari has implemented “minute meetings” with students, a strategy she uses to build relationships and better understand the needs of the students she serves.

“Being visible and building relationships is very important to me,” said Nazari. “Minute meetings give me an opportunity to make positive contact with every student in the building beyond a quick “hi” in the hallway. I want students to know who I am and that my job is to support them.”

These brief one-on-one check-ins serve as an important tool in Nazari’s approach to student well-being. By creating a space for students to share thoughts, Nazari gathers information that helps improve her counseling program and allows her to support students more effectively. “Students do better in the classroom when they feel supported, connected, and comfortable, ” she said. “Minute meetings help me identify what students need and provide them with the opportunity to reflect on how their year is going.”

The meetings have a lasting impact on both academic and personal achievement. Sixth-grader Jocelyn Mosequeda and seventh-grader Joey Rogers both appreciate the minute meetings for the connection and trust they’ve built with Ms. Nazari. Joey shared, “I like meeting with Ms. Nazari because I know I can talk to her about how I’m feeling that day.” Jocelyn agreed, adding, “The meetings with Ms. Nazari make me feel supported because she is someone I can always talk to, she helps me stay focused.”

Nazari has seen firsthand how these interactions lead to stronger relationships. “After these meetings, students know who I am, and I know who they are,” she said. “It helps me put a name to a face and opens the door for more conversations and support.”

For eighth-grader, Maggie Monnot, the minute meetings have been a key part of her school experience. “Whenever I need guidance with my schoolwork, I know I can go to Ms. Nazari to talk it out and come up with a plan that helps me feel confident,” said Maggie. “She helps me stay on track, and personally, these meetings give me the confidence to believe in myself. Over the past three years, having her to talk to made a difference in how comfortable I have felt at school.”

For Nazari, the real value of these minute meetings lies in the connection she creates with the students. “The meetings are meaningful because they provide time for me to connect with students,” she said. “I can learn about whether they feel they have a trusted adult in the building, if they’re connected with their peers, and if they’re involved in school activities.”

In reflecting on her role, Nazari added, “Knowing and supporting students is my favorite part of the job. I want them to feel seen and celebrated for who they are, and I want them to believe in their ability to be successful students, caring friends, and kind individuals.”

Trail Ridge Middle School